JUMP TOAPI La Société NouvelleIntroductionMetadatagetLEGAL UNIT FOOTPRINTLegal unit social footprintgetDEFAULT FOOTPRINTDefault footprint by industrygetMACROECONOMI FOOTPRINTS C DataSETSSocial and environnemental footprints by industry and aggregate (A*38)getSocial and environnemental footprints by industry and aggregate (A*88)getTrends of social and environnemental footprints by industry and aggregate (A*38)getTrends of social and environnemental footprints by industry and aggregate (A*88)getTargets of social and environnemental footprints by industry and aggregate (A*38)getTargets of social and environnemental footprints by industry and aggregate (A*88)getANNUAL NATIONAL ACCOUNTSMain GDP agrgegates by industry (A*38 - A*88)getNational supply, use and input-output tables (A*38 - A*88)getBalance sheets for non-financial assets (A*38)getPowered by Metadataget https://api.lasocietenouvelle.org/macrodata/metadata/{dataset}This endpoint returns the metadata of a dataset